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Privacy Policy

DWTDS does not sell any student information for any reason, ever.

In addition, we will not give out any student information, except when required by Federal or State of Oregon Law. This also means we will not give information about you to a spouse, family member or friend, or fellow student should they inquire, for any reason, unless you have given express written permission and said permission is in your student file. In case of emergency, we will use the information YOU give us, from your file to proceed accordingly. You will be given an opportunity to fill out an "ICE" form for your file and it is your decision and responsibility to do so.


Please note that we do occasionally use media (photos and video) on our website of performances, competitions & fun trips, and lessons. Please let us know, in writing, that you would like to be exempt from this, otherwise by not informing us in writing you are consenting to our use of your image in photo or video.


For those registering your email with us and consenting to receive occasional news and updates from our studio, we rarely send emails out. You can expect to receive no more than 1 email of news/updates per month, typically though, 3-4 times per year only.

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